Tag Archives: web design

Meet the Artists(and Administrator): Dave Hebb

Dave Hebb is an artist who seems to thread all aspects of his life with one congruent sensibility. Juggling through parenting, teaching, making art, and showing in multiple venues at a time, you would think he would be constantly stressed out. But he is one of the blessed individuals with the ability to find enjoyment in the juggling act itself. He can do this, I think, because he maintains a larger perspective of life and enjoys the process and connection as much as the end result.

His video works reveal this. They are at once finished works, sketches, data files, and his way to enjoy the moment. He seems to take joy in traversing through these different contexts. And this festival is a huge beneficiary of such disposition. He is the one responsible for the design and function of this blog, and for the email invites.

Some of you may have noticed that he’s been diligently changing the headers, aiming in showing every artist’s image that he has on hand. Here are the snapshots of them:

This is the first header I did. It’s a still from Adie Russell‘s Never Had More Troubles, (Merv Griffin & Richard Nixon). Dave did the background.

This is Dave’s first version. We decided it was confusing with the vodpod on the sidebar.

Dave’s second. We both loved this one, but alas, it was from Robyn Tomlin’s Nice Girls Don’t Swear, not her Ulysses’ Daugther that is shown at the festival.

At this point, I realized that the background was the image of TV static, and Dave, horrified by the fact that I didn’t get it until then, changed the hue and the size of static.

I must say this is my favorite header. From Jason Martin’s Power Animals.

Dave will be showing a site-specific video projection called Wastewater Runoff Pipe.